May 7, 2011


My heart is so full of gratitude at this moment that I have to post tonight. I feel so blessed to be Daisy's mommy and for her to have two amazing grandmothers who love her to pieces:) I truly never thought I would get the chance to have my own baby. I tried for a long time in my first marriage with no luck and became really bitter about it. I thought what is wrong with me? I am so ready...why is Heavenly Father not blessing me with a baby. It seemed so easy for everyone around me and I felt helpless. Little did I know at the time but Heavenly Father had different plans for me and lessons that needed to be learned first. He was protecting and blessing me for my amazing future that was to come. Now that I have her it all makes perfect sense to me. This was the perfect time in my life for her to come:) The love I feel for this beautiful tiny human is unbelievable. It's amazing since I've had her how much things in my life have changed. My main focus has become this child that I created with the love of my life and my sole purpose in life is to provide, teach, and love her. I want my mother to know how beautiful she is! She is so strong, sweet, and sensitive. She is my best friend and my biggest inspiration...Kandie my mother-in-law is truly the best! She loves me and supports me always. She is the most sincere and caring woman I know. I hope I can be half the mother that these two women are to me! I love you both so much and am so glad Daisy has you. Happy Mother's Day!


The Shaws said...

Tears are streaming down my face right now, good thing I did my makeup today :) Ashley I love you so much and I am so happy for you. Your little Daisy is the sweetest little blessing and I know heavenly father saved her just for you. You are going to be such a wonderful mom and you already are an amazing woman. Love you!!

The Funky Bunch said...

Awww Ash, that was beautiful!! You are going to be just as an amazing mother as them!! You already are!! That little Daisy is SO lucky to have YOU!! What a special little girl she is. She is just as beautiful as you! I can't wait to watch her grow up and see what an amazing woman she'll become...just like her mom! I love you to death and can't wait to learn some things from you on how to be a mom!!