November 29, 2011

{I love HER... a bushel and a peck...}


I am so very thankful for all that I have:) I am thankful for a wonderful family that is so close and so supportive of each other! I am thankful for an amazing man I don't deserve and for a sweet, perfect miracle that knows me as her "mama":) I am thankful for Adam's family for the joy and love they have brought into my life! I was thankful for one last Thanksgiving as a family up at our cabin. I am thankful for healthy grandparents that play such an active role in my life and my little family. I am so thankful for all the hardships and trials I have had in my life. I truly am, because I wouldn't be where I am today and I wouldn't be as THANKFUL as I am! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!


Really Miss thang can you please stop growing already?!? I can't believe I'm doing another post for Daisy's monthly milestones!! Well...she now has two bottom teeth right next to each other. She can say both mama and dada:) She also waves like a pageant queen...really it's the cutest thing ever! Adam taught her one day and she now will do it all the time! She is currently obsessed with her little white bunny and has to have it in her carseat and in her crib when she sleeps. Funny little girl:) We just love love love our girl!

November 21, 2011

{Our Little Lady...}

I'm seriously in LOVE with Daisy's six month pics!!  I especially heart all the pics with my Grandma's (Daisy's Great-Grandma's) pearls!!  I used to play with these same pearls when I was little:)  They smell just like my Grandma and I love that Dais is wearing a piece of her in these pictures. Enjoy her beyond cuteness!!

November 10, 2011

{Fall Favorites...}