November 7, 2011

{7 Months!?!...}

My darling Daisy is 7 months!! I wish I could just freeze time sometimes:( It's hard to see her getting so big, but is so much fun at the same time! She is now army crawling all of the time! She is the most determined little thing:) We traded her bumbo seat to her big girl high chair! Her dad taught her to clap! Everytime he comes into the room she will do it:) Cutest thing ever!! She has also sprouted her first tooth!! She has been a little uncomfortable but she is being so tough as long as she has something to chew:) She loves her doll Lucy and her minky blankets. Really she can not sleep without them! She is obsessed with jewelry...I mean REALLY!! If she is at her fussiest, all I have to do is give her a necklace and she is happy! Just like her momma ha ha!! She loves to be tickled and is most ticklish under the left side of her chin:) She is still very particular with people. If she hasn't seen them in awhile she will just stare and stare until she is comfortable and then she is fine! Whenever she goes to sleep she likes to find a corner of her crib with cuddles and Lucy of course and huddle into a ball with her bum up...Every time...:) Life has so much more meaning now that Daisy is in it! We just love our girl!!

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