January 8, 2012


Our little girl is 9 months already! Crazy how the time is just flying! We took her to her 9 month check up and these are her stats:

Weight: 16lbs. 10oz.
Height: 26 1/2inches

Daisy's new favorite thing is "rough housing". We will roll her around on the bed in the covers and she will just crack up and start giggling! It's pretty much the cutest thing ever! If we stop rolling her around, she will continue rolling around on your own...it's hilarious! She now says "dada" literally all day! Her daddy loves it so much:) He'll walk into the room and she will smile with her gorgeous face and yell "DADA" it melts our hearts:) She can now move from her stomach to a sitting position. She can also stand by herself against furniture. She is so proud when she stands by yourself. She will just look at us with this big smile as if she is saying "Look at me guys". She is now getting a third tooth next to her two bottom teeth. Dais continues to be the best eater ever! We never help her hold her bottle anymore. She makes it quite clear that she is a big girl and can do it herself:) She is still sleeping so well. We put her to bed at around 8 every night and she usually sleeps until 7:30-8:00...AMAZING!!! We finally had to drop her mattress in her crib down because she is now learning to pull herself up. She LOVES to cuddle her cuddles and bunny. She loves to give kisses and to rub noses with me:) She is obsessed with crawling into the kitchen. She will just laugh and laugh when we try to come after her. We are so blessed to be her parents and she brings so much joy to our life everyday!

1 comment:

Kelli K said...

Hey Ash, so good to see you this week- if you leave me your email on knightsupdates.blogspot.com I will add you to my blog. Daisy is so gorgeous, I am excited for her to meet Archer! Love ya!