March 25, 2012

{OnE YeAr OlD DAiSy:)...}

This weekend we celebrated my Daisy girls first birthday with a spring themed party!! It seemed just perfect and so fitting since she was born on the first day of Spring:) It was so much fun and she was so darling:) I can't believe I have a one year old! I feel so blessed that this amazing little girl is mine! She is getting so big and so independent!

At one years old Little Miss...

*Has 6 teeth!
*Has the prettiest naturally curly hair:)
*Has started some table food...She loves watermelon, bread, rice, strawberries, icecream, and she LOVES water!
*She can say mama, dada, da (dog), hi, Daisy, na na (night, night), ba ba (bottle)
*Loves to sing
*Loves to dance
*Is so serious...If your not mama or dada she's a tough one to get a smile out of!
*Loves to crawl up on mama & dada
*Is starting to walk
*Still has to have her cuddles & bunny when she sleeps
*Loves her new lion walker
*Loves to have her teeth brushed every night
*Loves my jewelry...She knows right where to go in my closet to find and play with it
*Is still really shy if she doesn't know you
*Get's her feelings hurt easy if she knows she did something wrong:(
*Loves to help mom with the dishwasher
*Loves to watch her reflection in the washing machine
*Loves to play in the laundry
*Is getting chunkier than ever..I love it!
*Loves dogs

{Miss March!!...}

We have had a very busy March filled with lots of firsts and fun milestones!! Daisy is so close to walking!?! Today at her cousin Davis's birthday party she walked nine steps!! We are so proud of our girl! She is getting so big! We spent the month going to the aquarium, going to the park, playing with Daisy's new walker, reading, getting CHUNKY, and of course having a first birthday party!!!

March 21, 2012

{One Year Ago Today...}

One year ago this sweet little spirit changed our life forever! Happy First Birthday my sweet, precious girl!! You are my miracle and we love you so much!!

March 14, 2012

{Almost 1!?!...}

My baby will be one in a week!! I really can't believe it! My sweet friend Randi came to take some pics for me for Daisy's invitation. Daisy girl would not crack a single smile for Randi! What a stinker!! I thought they turned out so cute though:)