March 25, 2012

{OnE YeAr OlD DAiSy:)...}

This weekend we celebrated my Daisy girls first birthday with a spring themed party!! It seemed just perfect and so fitting since she was born on the first day of Spring:) It was so much fun and she was so darling:) I can't believe I have a one year old! I feel so blessed that this amazing little girl is mine! She is getting so big and so independent!

At one years old Little Miss...

*Has 6 teeth!
*Has the prettiest naturally curly hair:)
*Has started some table food...She loves watermelon, bread, rice, strawberries, icecream, and she LOVES water!
*She can say mama, dada, da (dog), hi, Daisy, na na (night, night), ba ba (bottle)
*Loves to sing
*Loves to dance
*Is so serious...If your not mama or dada she's a tough one to get a smile out of!
*Loves to crawl up on mama & dada
*Is starting to walk
*Still has to have her cuddles & bunny when she sleeps
*Loves her new lion walker
*Loves to have her teeth brushed every night
*Loves my jewelry...She knows right where to go in my closet to find and play with it
*Is still really shy if she doesn't know you
*Get's her feelings hurt easy if she knows she did something wrong:(
*Loves to help mom with the dishwasher
*Loves to watch her reflection in the washing machine
*Loves to play in the laundry
*Is getting chunkier than ever..I love it!
*Loves dogs

1 comment:

Ashley Head said...

Yep, that cutie patootie is marrying Stockton!