April 30, 2012

{Adorable April...}

April was filled with lots of fun things! We went to St. George for some much needed mom & grandma time:) We went to the park to swing on the swings. We have a new game where we throw our blankets and stuffed animals in the laundry hamper and cry when we can't get them out...Mommy loves that one!! We are walking everywhere and getting into every single cupboard we can! We love helping mom with the laundry but especially love it when Daddy let's us ride in the laundry:) We've been hanging our with our friends at the gym and spending time with cousins:) Our newest thing...making the cutest scrunchy face ever:)

{Lil' Guppie...}

For the last few weeks Adam and I have taken Dais to Layton Surf N' Swim for the "Mommy & Me" swim class:) I thought it would be a great idea since my parents have a pool and knew that we would be spending lots of time there this summer! I noticed she was a little afraid to lay down in the water when I would wash her hair in the bath. These lessons did the trick and now she LOVES to lay down in the bath!! Her cute teacher Phil was fantastic!! She loved him and would just talk and talk and smile at him:) Adam and I would switch off taking her and it was such a fun uninterruped time we got to spend with our girl:) During her three weeks Daisy learned how to blow bubbles, go under water, kick her legs, hang on the wall, climb up the ladder, jump to mom & dad, and to float on her back and her tummy:) Good job Lil' Guppie we are so proud of you!

{Crash & Burn:(...}

Our little Daisy girl had her first big fall a couple of weeks ago in the driveway:) She is such an independent little thing and does not want you to help her with anything....especially walking:) Adam and I were out chatting on our front porch while Daisy was playing in the grass. She started to head towards the driveway. Before we knew it, her little legs were just going to fast and she crashed and burned:( It was the saddest thing ever! She scuffed her cute button nose and had a nice goose egg to go along with it! The joys of a walking toddler:)

{Some Oldies But Goodies...!!}

I pretty much want to eat these cheeks everyday!!:)

April 15, 2012

(Easter 2012...)

Easter Day we went with my family to Oakridge for brunch and of course to see the Easter Bunny! I am so grateful for my little family:) Enjoy the Daisy overload...I kinda can't help myself!! She is the most adorable thing ever!

(Easter Egg Hunt!...}

This year Daisy got to participate in the annual Easter Egg hunt at the Dayton's! Last year she was brand new, so this year was so much fun for her! Mimi & Papa hid eggs in the yard and all the cousins got to find them:) We had a great dinner and some good spiritual lessons about the importance of Easter:) Love my in-laws so much!