June 16, 2012

{I Don't Know Mom...}

I got Daisy up from her nap one day after Adam had been watching her. This is how I found her:) No shirt?? What the?? Dads are so funny sometimes! Gotta love them!

{We Love Johnny Rockets...}

June 14, 2012


I took Daisy to see my grandparents at their cabin yesterday and she loved it! She was for sure worn out with all the playing!! Thanks Grandma & Grandpa for spending the day with us!

{Miss May...}

We had such a great May! This month was super busy, and we did lots of fun stuff! We are really enjoying the weather and have been going to Grandma & Grandpa's pool! I think swimming lessons was a great idea for Little Miss because she absolutely loves the water and will get so sad when it is time to get out! We also had a great Mother's Day down at my sis-in-laws. We spent the day eating yummy bbq and going to the duck pond to visit the ducks!! Daisy loves to tell us constanly what a duck says...so cute:) We also went to Zermatt to play with Adam's family over Memorial Day. It was really cold, but the boys ended up getting some golf in and lucky for us there was an indoor swimming pool!! We forgot Daisy's swimsuit, but luckily cousing Davis let us borrow one of his. I'm excited that school and dance is done now so I can spend all summer with my baby girl!! Enjoy the pics of our fun month!

June 11, 2012

{My Man Is The BIG 30!!...}

Adam turned the BIG 30 yesterday!! Glad I'm not the only one in their 30's now ha ha!! We celebrated earlier in the week with my family at the Prairie Schooner. On Saturday, the two of us went out to dinner to Robintino's, and we spent the rest of the weekend just relaxing with our little family of three:) Dais and I hope you had a wonderful birthday...You deserved it!!