September 23, 2012

{18 Months Old!!...)

This sweet girl is 18 months old! I seriously can't believe how blessed I am! Daisy is the most beautiful, smart, independent, loving, serious, sweetest girl ever! She keeps us on our toes everyday! She has taught me more about love and the importance of lifes little moments than I could have ever learned from anyone else! This girl has our hearts and we just love watching her grow!!

My friend Missy made up this poem...I tweaked it a bit to fit my little girl:) I love this poem because it's exactly how I feel about my Daisy...

You are Special, nobody else is like you.
You are radiant, smiling, like the sky is blue.
You are an angel, sent your your family at birth.
You are incredible, a special girl on this Magical Earth!
You are outstanding, as marvelous as a child can be.
You are priceless, worth all the love in this world, times three.
You are success, capable of doing whatever you wish to do.
You are beautiful, from inside out, through and through!
You are amazing, learning so many wonderful things.
You are like sunshine, happiness is what you bring.
You are our Lil Pixie as we call you-courageous, beautiful, and sweet
You are our daughter, with a huge heart carried by your tiny little feet!

September 20, 2012

{SHe dId iT!?!...)

So...story of my goes!! Last Saturday we went to a baby shower for our good friend. Avrey and Daisy went off to play together. Chelsea and I sat down to enjoy our lunch. A few minutes later my niece, Avrey came over and brought Chelsea a diaper. The diaper wasn't wet or anything and we just assumed that she had taken it out of someones diaper bag. We thought nothing of it and threw it away. Well, about twenty minutes later we were gathered to watch our friend open more gifts and I had Daisy on my lap. When I set her down I had the most awesome green poop all over my legs!! At first I thought she threw up, but then I quickly realized she had a massive blow out! She had been sick the week before and was on antibiotics so I figured that was to blame for it coming out of her diaper. Chelsea came around the corner to help me. We lifted up her dress and what do you know?? She didn't even have a dipaer on!! I was absolutely horrified! I freaked and told Chels to go find the poop!! She came back and told me she had found it and dicreetly tried to clean it up. Well, Daisy"s whole foot was covered in poop. Chels came back and told me that there were little poop foot prints everywhere!! By then, everyone at the shower was very aware of what was going on as I was on my hands and knees scrubbing all her little poop foot prints!! We figured that there was no way Daisy did it on her own. Her dress was way to long for her to do it!! Avrey has been learning to potty train, so we think she might have been trying to help Daisy too:) Avrey is such a little mother to Daisy, it is so cute!! Now everytime Daisy sees Avrey she shakes her finger and says NO, No, No...Love these two girls!!! But, we are still wondering who did it haha!!

September 9, 2012

{Love My Sistas...}

{Random Daisy Love...}

(Annie's Wedding...}

Our dear friend Annie got married this weekend!! We love her and are so happy she has found a great guy!! She has been through so much in her life and it was really emotional to see her look so beautiful and happy!! I also love my amazing friends!! There are not a lot of people who remain close to their friends like we have! I always leave them feeling happy and so blessed to have them in my life:) Annie was always busy when we tried to get a pic with her haha!!

(Labor Day...)

We had such a fun Labor Day!! We took the girls to lunch and to the splash pad that is by my brother's house. We were the only people there and the girls had a blast, especially with their uncle Spen:) Daisy is seriously obsessed with the water!! Cute Avrey wasn't so sure about it though:)

{Goodbye Cheryl...}

My dear friend Cheryl Casebolt decided to retire over the summer:( I've know Cheryl for five years now and I am so sad she is leaving us! She is one of those few teachers that you strive to be like and she is such an example to me in everything that she does:) She always took the time out to ask me about my life and I will always love her for that! Good luck with everything you do...I love ya!!


I can't believe that August has come and gone already!! It was a very busy month soaking up every last bit of the summer that we absolutely could!! We swam lots, played with family and friends, stayed up late, and just enjoyed the fun of not being on a schedule!! I had to go to my school a few times to get ready for the school year and Daisy was always such a trooper to come along:) Enjoy all of the pics of my little chunky ball full of yumminess!!