October 22, 2012

{Sweater Photo Shoot...}

So...this photo shoot was hell to say the least!! HA HA!! These two girls would not cooperate!! Especially my little Daisy!! She seriously will not smile for me at all when I try to take her picture. She will cooperate for everyone else but not for me!! I mean really is it so hard for her to sit where I tell her, put her hands and feet where I tell her, and smile while she is wearing the itchiest sweater in the world?? I think not Ha Ha!! My mom bought the girls these adorable handmade sweaters before they were even born. They were to big for them last year and this year they almost fit right into them. My sis-in-law and I were going to get pictures of the girls in their sweaters to give to my mom for Christmas. My mom then told me that she had to have the pictures for her birthday:) She never ever asks for anything so we had to do it. Let's just say that after one stressful hour, two stressed out sweaty mommy's, many cookies and suckers, we think we got some good ones:) These two are so fun together, but such little stinkers!!

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