November 4, 2012

{For Halloween Daisy was a DAISY!...}

We had such a fun Halloween this year! Daisy was the cutest Daisy flower in the world! Like for reals I wanted to munch her cute face off:) She looked adorable and wore her costume all night long without a fight:) I for sure thought that I was going to have to settle on a crying girl in her costume this year because everytime I would try to put it on her she would scream and yell like I was beating her or something! But on Halloween she proved me wrong! I stuck a sucker in her mouth and she was good to go! Seriously bless the person who invented suckers...really I don't know at times what I would do without them! We took Dais to a few houses and she would say "teat...sucka..." so cute! Love our little Daisy flower!

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