May 5, 2013

{Another Month & New Milestones...}

My sweet Daisy girl! It's crazy how time is flying!! I just love looking at the previous months post to see what she accomplishes from month to month! I took her to her two year well check the other day-:) She weighed 29lbs and was on the tall end for your age! She of course continues to be the joy in our lives everyday and Adam I tell each other every day how blessed we are to have her!!

Last month she were saying small sentences. This month she is using long sentences and pronouncing everything so well! Daisy knows her basic shapes: circle, triangle, square, heart, & rectangle. She also know most of her colors!! She counts to 10 really well and has now mastered walking up and down the stairs all by herself! She loves to come to dance with me!! It's her blood!! She loves to watch the girls dance around and will try to mimic what they do! I'm in trouble!!

 Her new thing this month is her nighttime ritual. She still loves her daddy to take her most of the time-:) She will say "Daddy take you"". She will tell him to turn the light on (lamp) in her room and curl up in the chair to read books. The ones she loves reading right now are: Peter Rabbit, Donald & Daisy Build A Snowman, My First Words, & Elmo. When she gets done reading she will say "Good One" it is the cutest thing ever!! Another cute phrase she will say "Bye, See ya in a bit!

Adam bought her a play set for outside and she loves it! It took him many hours to put it together for her and he was so happy that she loved it!! Daisy loves to swing in her new swing, slide down the slide, look through the telescope, and climb up the ladder. There is also a chalk board and she has been loving to use her chalk outside on it-:) She also loves to walk to the park and play. There is a big hill that she will run to the top of and say "Hi" to us down at the bottom.

My girl also loves to be "cozy". Adam and I will pile all her blankets and babies on the ottoman and get her all snuggled in. She especially loves it at night when we put her in her crib.

 She loves to sing her songs! Her newest ones are "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam, & Families can be together forever.

We have still been working on the potty training thing here and there. I'm going to hit it really hard with her when I get out of school for a few weeks. I think she'll learn fast. She will always go sit on her potty and say "practice". It's only because she wants her treats that I have for her in there!!

 She loves the church nursery and the gym daycare. She is such a good girl and she always does what is asked of her-:)

She amazes us everyday with how smart she is! Everyday is a new adventure with her and we just adore her!

She is our little Angel and we love her so very much!

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