August 7, 2013

{Family Pictures & Daisy's Two Year...}

Let me give you a little background with our family/Daisy's two year photo shoot...It was like a month long process!! We scheduled it in May. I was worried that it would be too cold. Oh boy was I right! Our photographer Mandi drove all the way up from Salt Lake to take our pictures in a beautiful flower blossom orchard by our house. The weather had been beautiful all day. Of course when evening came and it was awful! The wind was blowing, we were shivering, Daisy was crying, it really was just terrible! We had to reschedule two more times and had to cancel both for weather!! Finally, we had a good day and got some gorgeous pictures...It was so worth the wait! I'm beyond thrilled with how they turned out!! (The bottom ones were from the first shoot...Shocked that they actually turned out ok!)

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