December 27, 2015

{Last Sunbeam Day...}

I woke up this morning feeling overwhelmed and a little down now that the holidays are coming to an end. I'm so glad that my sweet girl gave a talk today on how we can prepare ourselves to live with Heavenly Father again. It was just what I needed to hear today and it put a lot of things into perspective. I love my Daisy!

{Christmas 2015...}

Well...Santa came! Daisy was so excited to wake up to a new Barbie Dreamhouse! She has wanted it all year and we are so glad she made the nice list! She also got a Little Woodzee set, shopkins, games, and a new barbie-:) We then went and had a fun night at my parents! Daisy loves her new Bitty Baby that Grandma and Grandpa got her-:) She is such a little mommy right now and loves to take care of babies. She's growing up so fast! I love the holidays and being around those I love the most!

December 25, 2015

{Christmas Eve 2015...}

We love our Christmas Eve's at Mimi & Papa's house! So blessed with such an incredible family! We ate a yummy dinner and Mimi & Papa let the kids act out the nativity. Daisy loved it and listened to every word. It's been so fun to teach her the true meaning of Christmas. She is the sweetest thing and really cares and worries for others that are in need. She was so excited for her new girl scout barbie and her new barbie car from Mimi & Papa-:)

December 24, 2015

{Happy Birthday Stac!...}

There are not many people outside my family that I trust with my baby girl. This babe is really an angel to my family. She's Daisy's second mom and we adore her! She loves her like her own. She's such a great example to me. So much fun celebrating her birthday and early Christmas today!

{These Two...}

My heart is full! So glad they are mine!

{Zoo Lights...}

We braved the cold and visited the Zoo Lights! Daisy loved it! Love my little crew-:)

December 22, 2015

{Snow Day...}

Love us a snow day! SO much fun sledding and playing in the snow with my bestest girlfriend!

December 20, 2015

{Tumbling Christmas Party...}

Daisy had so much fun at her tumbling Christmas party today! The girls absolutely adore her! They think she's the cutest thing and carry her around everywhere she goes!! Haha!! She just moved up a level and I couldn't be more proud of her! She can now do beautiful cartwheels and roudoffs. She has now mastered her spider crawls down the wall and her backbend/backwalkover. She just learned to do a back walkover from a standing position. She loves tumbling so much and is always practicing at home. She was so excited for her gift exchange today. She got the cutest fleece snowman blanket from one of her friends.

{Her own tree...}

Stacee bought the girls their own tree to decorate! Daisy put hers in her room and loves to have it on at night..."Mom, it's so magical!"

{Aquarium with Aunt Natalie...}

While I was in Europe and Daddy was out of town for business, Aunt Natalie took Daisy to the aquarium. She loves her Aunt Natalie and loved spending time with her. She loved looking at the different animals but wasn't too interested in seeing them up close. She's a little timid sometimes and I think it's so cute-:) She said her favorite thing was the "Crab King" (King Crab.

{Fun Day with Aves...}

Aunt Chelsea took the girls to the jump park and to see Santa today! Daisy was so proud that she dressed herself today! I sure missed her when I was away!

{My Heart...}

I never ever want to forget the things this girls says...she has been really emotional this week and has been having a hard time with me leaving her. It breaks my momma heart! Tonight she said..."Mommy, I so desperly need you to squeeze my guts cuz I've missdid you this week!" My heart really loves a lot!

{Day Christmas Party...}

Daddy took Daisy to our Day family Christmas party while I was away. This was her happy face before she had a complete meltdown because Santa brought her games instead of Shopkins...Glad Dad got to handle that one!

{Christmas Recital...}

I was so sad to miss Daisy's dance recital while I was away in Europe-:( I was able to watch the video and she did so awesome! It's been so much fun to see how much she has progressed in just a short year-:) She absolutely loves it and I love sharing my passion of dance with her.

(Merry Christmas~The Dayton's...}

{Christmas Cheer}Love~The Dayton's

{Christmas Pictures 2015...}

One of my favorite photographers, Misty Lewis took Daisy's Santa pics this year! I absolutely LOVE them! Daisy was sick the day she got them taken so I wasn't sure how they'd turn out. I'm so happy with all of them! Santa loved her too!

{Christmas Sunday...}

Christmas Sunday!

{Paris And London...}

What an UNBELIEVABLE trip! I am so happy that I had the opportunity to go to Paris and London! It was so beautiful and I could definitely see why my Spencer went to school there. One of my favorite things was eating dinner in the Eiffel Tower! The food wasn't that great but the great was so amazing! I also really liked "Love Lock Bridge". I was able to put a lock on the bridge for Adam and I. London was the highlight though! I loved all the streets and buildings. It was all just so cute and quaint. We visited The Louvre, Champs Elysee', Notre Dame, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, and the London Eye. We went and saw "Matilda" and it was hilarious! I love me a good broadway show. Brother's graduation was so cool! It was fun to meet his friends and professors. It was a really neat experience to see him walk to receive his diploma! I couldn't have been any prouder!