December 20, 2015

{Paris And London...}

What an UNBELIEVABLE trip! I am so happy that I had the opportunity to go to Paris and London! It was so beautiful and I could definitely see why my Spencer went to school there. One of my favorite things was eating dinner in the Eiffel Tower! The food wasn't that great but the great was so amazing! I also really liked "Love Lock Bridge". I was able to put a lock on the bridge for Adam and I. London was the highlight though! I loved all the streets and buildings. It was all just so cute and quaint. We visited The Louvre, Champs Elysee', Notre Dame, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, and the London Eye. We went and saw "Matilda" and it was hilarious! I love me a good broadway show. Brother's graduation was so cool! It was fun to meet his friends and professors. It was a really neat experience to see him walk to receive his diploma! I couldn't have been any prouder!

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