January 22, 2015

{Special Date...}

Daisy's cutest preschool teachers Miss Lisa and Miss Shaun took Daisy on a fun little icecream date! They asked her where she wanted to go and she didn't even hesitate when she said "Yogotogo!!"

{Beach Party Day!!...}

Daisy was so excited to go to her "Beach Party" at preschool today! She has the cutest teachers ever!

January 18, 2015

{Happy Birthday Dad!...}

Words can't express the love I have for this man! I love him with all my heart! Happy birthday to the best dad in the world!

{This Girl...}

I just adore her cute little self!

{Museum Day...}

This face finally convinced her dad to take her to the museum. He was more than happy to follow her to wherever she wanted to go! Such a daddy's girl!


I sure love my Wednesday's with all my talented beautiful dancers! I love my job!


I can't believe my baby is a sunbeam! She absolutely loves it!

{Favorite Forgots...}

Totally forgot to add these to my blog! Better late than never!

January 6, 2015

{Happy New Year!!...}

We had a low key night eating at "Swingers" and hanging at home-:) Can't wait to see what the new year will bring!

{Snow Bunny!!...}

This girl loves the snow!!

{Museum of Natural Curiosity...}

We went down to the Museum of Natural Curiosity with our Dayton cousins! Daisy's favorite part was playing the "vet". She loves animals!

{Christmas Day 2014...}

We had such a memorable Christmas Day! Santa brought Daisy a new dollhouse and she was so excited! Her expression was priceless! We ended the day over at my parents. I sure love making memories with my cute family-:)

January 5, 2015

{Christmas Eve 2014...}

We had such a fun Christmas Eve! We had lunch down at my dad's shop. We then headed down to Adam's parents for a yummy dinner and spending time with family-:) Daisy got a new Disney cd player, a Barbie, and some accessories for her doll house.

{L2D Directors...}

Such a fun night out to dinner with these lovely ladies! I'm the luckiest to work with such amazing women-:)

{My Heart...}

Be Still My Heart... For the past few weeks Daisy has been very curious about "Santa's Helpers" that stand outside the stores. She's been asking for awhile if she could give money to them. Today I told her we could after we delivered Christmas gifts. As we pulled in to donate she noticed a homeless man and said "Mommy that man looks sad." I didn't give it much thought. She was happy to donate her money at the store. As we left she noticed the man again and asked if we could give him some money. I told her not today. As we were driving down the road she asked again. I found myself turning around and driving back to the corner. I got her out of the car and she confidently and sweetly took my hand walked up to the man and said "Hewa this is for you!" The man said "Jesus must be proud of you." She said "I love Jesus!" She then wished him a Mewee Cwismas!" My heart is so full. She is such a special girl with a very beautiful heart! She reminded me today what Christmas is really all about.

{Temple Square...}

It was a perfect night out with my little family of three-:) We love to see the temple!