May 27, 2015


Daisy is loving tumbling! We have her in two places and she is doing so well! She can do a pretty good two-handed cartwheel and she is now working on her one-handed! She is currently working on keeping her feet together, raising her hands above her head when she is finished, forward rolls, splits, handstands, spider crawls down the wall, and she is rocking the backbend! So proud of you baby girl!

{Easter Pics...}

Love these Easter pictures so much! I took Daisy last year to get pictures with baby animals too-:) She liked it but was a little scared of the animals. This year she was all about it! She loved the baby chicks and kept picking them up and chasing them around! It was the cutest!

{Please Bless...}

Her sweetest prayer tonight...Please bless our neighbors in our them all know to go potty by everyone to recycle and give back to the erf...please bless that our imaginations can run wild...

{Aquarium Fun!!...}

Took my girl down to the aquarium today! Love being off track to spend some quality time with my girl-:) "Mom can we buy this baby ottwer?!? He ovisly can't get enough of me!!" Of course I bought it for her! I'm a sucker!


We are official Lagoon Season Pass holders!! Wahoo!! This was Daisy's first time and it had been awhile for us and it was a party!! We were also entertained by Daisy's awesome one liners! "That ride was peer epic!"..."I'm really enjoying my time here!"..."Mom I suwa do love my hunka burnin love! (Her dad). Her favorite rides were the Samurai and the Bambora roller coaster! She loved all the fast rides-:)

{Lulu June...}

Daisy got to do a fun photo shoot for Lulu June, the headband shop she reps for. She had fun with the other littles-:) She's a beauty!

{Sista Friend!!...}

Good times at Sweet Tooth Fairy with our fave! Daisy loves her Kar Kar Sister Friend!

{One year of preschool down!!!...}

My baby girl was adorable at her end of year program for preschool today! Love her so much! She grateful for all that she is and how much she blesses our lives!

{See dis puddle?!?}

"Hey Mom! Does it look like I just peed my pants cuz of dis puddle I'm standing in?!?" Me: "No, it just look like a rain puddle. Wait...Did you?!?" Dais: "Mom just relax! Like I would even conswiter it! I'm not a baby!! You have to assert it!" I seriously die at the things she says! I really don't know how she comes up with this stuff! I'm so glad I document most of her "Daislyisms".

{The Queen...}

Headed to dinner with the Queen!1 "Mom...Queens are always espeted (expected) to wear crowns to their dinners!"

{Dinosaur Park!...}

Preschool field trip to the Dinosaur Park today!

{Pirate Day!!...}

Ahoy There Matey's!! Pirate day at preschool today! Cutest little pirate everr!!

{Mother's Day 2015...}

{I'm Cute!!...}

Oh Miss Daisy!! She was AMAZING at her dance recital tonight! I love to watch her dance! Makes my heart so happy!

{It's Popcorn?!?...}

So Daisy's tooth has been bothering her for the past two days. She finally let me look at it last night and the gum around it was super swollen and inflamed. I of course freaked out and got her into the dentist today...Luckily it was just a popcorn kernel that had gotten caught between her teeth that was causing the irritation. Yay for Kids Town Dental! They ROCK!!

{Silver Lining...}

I have been so miserable with the worst cold/flu ever! I've never been this sick! I'm so grateful for Adam and for Stacee for taking my girl for me-:( It's so hard when I can't even get out of bed!! Sure love my sweet girl for the drawing she made me of our family-:) I'll treasure it forever!

{Day with the Greats!...}

{The Nest...}

This girl and her Dad took off the wreath on or front door and didn't realize that there was a bird nest with eggs inside. Two of the eggs feel out and cracked. Adam managed to keep the other two in the nest...Dais said..."Doz poor birds! I hope the other two don't perish!!" I love her and the funny things she says on a daily!

{Photo Shoot...}

{Her Smile...}

May 26, 2015

{Lil' Goofball!...}

Doesn't everyone go to the jump park dressed like this?!? "Mom I just sewing the senchulls!"

{Dance Pics...}


{Sister Photo Sesh!...}

{Mom I have a question...}

"Mommy I am prolly the favratis kid you have ever had!! Me: Yes for sure! "Am I your favorite mommy? Dais: "I'll get back to you on that one!" I love her! Does my heart good being her mom. I hope when she gets back to me on that one that her answer is yea-:)

{These Girls...}

Proud of these girls! Crushed it today! I'm lucky to have the pleasure of teaching them every week! They are not just great dancers but they have the sweetest hearts too!

{St. George with my Besties...}