October 3, 2016

{Mint And Lace Couture...}

We love our summer nights!! What a fun shoot to be apart of-:)

Daisy is growing up so fast! I can't believe she is already 5 1/2!! She is quite the independent little thing and is so determined. The other day she told me I could just drop her off in front of the school and that she was BIG enough to walk around back to find her class. I told her I'd like to come to be sure she made it ok. She was quite annoyed with me and ran ahead to meet her class. My heart was so happy with her confidence but sad at the same time because she's growing up so fast. I waved and turned to walk away...She yelled "Mommy! Ran her cute self back over to me and gave me the biggest hug and kiss and said...but I'm never to BIG to miss you!" I needed that so much! I love her!

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