December 8, 2016

{Our MIRACLE is here!!...}

My sweet baby boy~I can't believe you are FINALLY here and in my arms. We've waited for you for such a long time and the wait was well worth everything we went through to get you here. We decided to have you on Tuesday,November 8th. Your due date was November 13th, but since you were a planned c-section we were able to choose the date. The last couple of weeks were a bit rough. I wasn't sleeping great and my body was just really achy all the time. The day before you arrived I was not feeling good at all. My back was really achy and I felt so ready to pop. I wanted to get to bed early since the doctor wanted us at the hospital at 5:30 in the morning. I did some last minute cleaning and got ready for bed around 10:30. I went to the bathroom and when I got up I felt a trickle go down my leg. I was a bit confused but pregnancy can be a funny thing so I just thought I still needed to go. I got into bed and just could not get comfortable. I usually can find a good position to sleep but my belly was aching and you were kicking around like crazy. After tossing and turning for a few hours I got up to go to the bathroom again when I saw that I was bleeding. I called the hospital and they told me to call the on call doctor. Once I got ahold of him I told him what I was experiencing. He told me that he thought my water had broke and to head to the hospital right then. I woke up your daddy and told him he needed to get ready earlier. I wanted to look cute so I started putting on makeup and that's when the most intense cramps started to happen. I knew these were not the normal Braxton Hicks contractions I usually get. I told your daddy we needed to go like now. The whole way to the hospital the cramps were getting a lot lower and worse. I've never experienced pain like that before. We got checked in about 3am and sure enough my water had broke on it's own! You were so ready to be here! We called Grandma and Grandpa and told them the c-section was going to happened at 5:30 instead of 7:30. Grandma had kept your sister overnight and she said she'd get up and get showered. Dr. B then came and said they were doing it even sooner and to get me prepped. I called your grandparents back and told them they needed to wake your sister and come now. I was so nervous and I couldn't stop shaking. They got Daddy all dressed up in his operating room clothes and wheeled me in. All the nurses were so great and my spinal block went great considering that's what I was so nervous about. The surgery went so fast and Daddy held his phone over the curtain to record your birth. The minute you were born at 4:45am and I heard your cry I started bawling. I'll never forget looking at your Daddy as tears filled our eyes with gratitude and excitement for your arrival. We both had been through so much and to have you here was nothing short of amazing. I got to look at you for just a minute before you left with Daddy to get cleaned and examined. You weighed 7lbs 9oz and you were 19 3/4 inches of perfect baby boy perfection! About ten minutes later you both came back in and I got to really meet and look at you while they sewed me up. When you met your Sissy for the first time it was better than what I'd imagined it would be. Your connection was instant and I know without a doubt that you both knew this day would happen. She held you so close and kissed your tiny head. She's prayed for you for so long and is going to be the best big sister ever. You are so very lucky! Mimi and Papa came up shortly after along with lots of friends and family. You are perfect and you look so much like Daisy. You are also a mini Adam and I love it! You have the most adorable face and the yummiest lips and cheeks. I have dreamed of this day and it was so perfect-:) We are so blessed and so happy that you waited so long for us. We love you so much little man! You are our miracle baby!

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