January 22, 2017


{Oh Dash...}

Cutest Baby ever!!

January 18, 2017

{Taking after Sissy...}

Dash got to model for a personalized blanket company...So funny seeing him all swaddled up in a blanket with a different name on it. I'm pretty sure he's the cutest baby model ever!

{Growing Up...}

I can't believe these girls are six this year!! They are growing up so fast! They love to play babies and haul their diaper bags everywhere. They loved to make videos and put on shows for us all. So glad they have each other!


Two peas in a pod...Love these cuties!

{Can't Even...}

I might just be a football fan after all...I can't even with this dude's cuteness!! #9weeks

{Rub A Dub Dub...}

Handsome Dash in the tub!

{2 Months!?!...}

Happy TWO MONTHS to our sweet baby boy Dash!! He's the biggest blessing and we just can't get enough of him! He loves to smile, be on his belly, sit in his big boy chair, and hear his little voice. He continues to be a good eater and sleeps through the night. We adore you little man! So happy you are ours!

{Smiley Bug...}

Baby Dash smiles are my absolute favorite!!! Love my little dude!

January 4, 2017

{Deleted Posts...}

I had to include these darling posts that happened at the beginning of 2016... We spend New Year's Day 2016 taking Daisy iceskating for the first time and she loved it! She was a natural and took right to it! We even went back the next day so we could stay longer-:) We are so proud of her perseverance and always getting back up to try again! Daisy loved being a CTR this year-:) She looks forward to primary every week and her favorite part is singing and her friend Kolby that's in her class-:) Love twinning with my cute girl!! While grocery shopping the other day the cashier and I were talking about New Year's resolutions...Daisy said "My Mommy's New Year's solution is to stop drinking diet coke! She struggles so bad! She already hit up Fizz today!" This girl tells all my secrets!!

January 1, 2017

{Dash's Birth Announcement...}

{Best 16 of 2016...}

{Happy New Year!!...2017!!}

{Iceskating Fun!...}

{Zoo Lights...}

Fun night at the Zoo with my crew! It was freezing!!

{Snow babies...}

Daisy loves sledding and Dash experienced his first time outside in the snow. Love my snow babies!

{Christmas 2016...}

Christmas 2016 was definitely one for the books! It was extra special having a newborn straight from heaven join us this year! We enjoyed family and being so grateful for our Savior and what we have.