October 29, 2017

{Happy Halloween!!...}

Happy Halloween!! Love my Mal and baby lion!

{Get it!...}

"Mom you think I'm gonna stop?!? Not a chance!"

October 22, 2017

{Gardner Village!...}

Love this tradition!

{My Little Lady...}

{In LOVE with him!...}

October 12, 2017

October 11, 2017

{He's Obsessed...}

October 10, 2017

{Black Island Farms...}

Such a fun family Fall tradition at Black Island Farms! Last year I was super pregnant with Dash. So fun to have him here to join us-:)

October 8, 2017

{11 MONTHS?!?...}

11 months for my little Boo! How has it been almost a year since I had him?!? Fastest year of my life! I may still cry daily because it's going so fast! But...Dash is at such a fun and busy stage and I love to watch his personality develop...{YOU}...climb on EVERYTHING, started standing a little bit by yourself, follow Sissy everywhere, can say Dada, Mama, and "Dis" for (this), shake your head no when I say "NO, NO,"but usually do what I tell you not to do anyways, love rice and crackers, love to try to eat out of our mouths like a baby bird, like your hand in my shirt when I hold you, make the same facial expressions as Daisy, love your cuddles, are the most easy going baby ever! We love you Bubba!

October 4, 2017

{107 Words!?!}

So proud of my baby girl! She passed off her first 107 words!! This is a goal the students have to reach by the END of first grade! You are such a smarty pants Miss Daisy! You're so Awesome!

October 1, 2017

{Making SLIME...}


{It's the WEEKEND!!...}

{My Girl...}

I couldn't LOVE her more! She is sweetness to the core...I am so forever grateful that she's mine. Stay little me sweet Daisy!

{She's getting hitched!!...}

Our selfie skills are definitely not the greatest...but our friendship sure is! I LOVE my girls! Such a fun night celebrating Mindy's upcoming wedding!!


Ended the night at Downtown Disney. Grandma and Grandpa let the grandkids pick out something for being so good on the trip. Daisy chose a shopkins bear. We then ate at a yummy pizza place and topped it off with a churro ice-cream sandwich. It has been such an amazing week!

{Disney Fun!!...}

{Beach Life...}

Love these mermaids and their adventures on the beach! They could play here all day!

{Fun Day!!..}

Golf day for my favorite guys + Lou and Mickey's for dinner with my party and party pooper!


{Dayton's Do Disney!...}

Last time we took Daisy to Disney she was 4. I remember thinking on that trip that I hoped the next time we would go to Disney we would have another Dayton baby to join us! So grateful we did! Dash was the best baby and loved the rides and bright lights! Such a great day!

{Halloween at Disney!...}


{San Diego!...}

{My Baby...}

"Such a BIG Miracle in such a little boy...} This darling baby! How did I ever live without him?

{San Diego Fun...}

{Bathing Babies...}

Rub a Dub Dub...Two sweet babies in the tub! I love the way he looks at her!

{Big Boy!...}

Walked in on this today! Such a big boy! He was so proud! Time to lower the crib!


Can't get enough of that face...well mostly those CHEEKS!!

{10 Months...}

Our little man is 10 months!?! You guys...this boy has my heart in a way I never knew was possible. I spend my days chasing after him and kissing those yummy chubby cheeks of his! {YOU}...still army crawl like a champ, pull yourself onto things, laugh and love to play with your sissy, obsessed with door stops, love your tubbys, love mac and cheese, love taking walks, are a complete momma's boy, love to give kisses, follow us wherever we go, started showing some shyness with new people, obsessed with your bottle, and you LOVE to be tickled! We love you so much Dash!

{My Daisy...}