October 8, 2017

{11 MONTHS?!?...}

11 months for my little Boo! How has it been almost a year since I had him?!? Fastest year of my life! I may still cry daily because it's going so fast! But...Dash is at such a fun and busy stage and I love to watch his personality develop...{YOU}...climb on EVERYTHING, started standing a little bit by yourself, follow Sissy everywhere, can say Dada, Mama, and "Dis" for (this), shake your head no when I say "NO, NO,"but usually do what I tell you not to do anyways, love rice and crackers, love to try to eat out of our mouths like a baby bird, like your hand in my shirt when I hold you, make the same facial expressions as Daisy, love your cuddles, are the most easy going baby ever! We love you Bubba!

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