February 18, 2018

{15 Months?!?...}

My sweet Dash is 15 months?!? Time is going so fast and it is so dang hard for me-:( But...he is so much fun right now! He's all BOY and I'm completely obsessed with him! He's my little sidekick all day and he keeps me on my toes! {YOU} weigh 23lbs, have a mouthful of teeth, eat anything and everything you can get your chubby hands on, love to snuggle, love the baby channel, love the show "Puppy Pals" and "Color Crew", love to throw things into the toilet and sink, love to help with the washing machine and dishwasher, can say so many words...our favorites are Mama, Dada, Papa, ball, Day Day (Daisy), wa wa (water), cheese, shoes, pants, and uh oh, run everywhere, climb on everything, are the smartest little bug, look more like your sissy every day, have the most heart melting smile and laugh, love your stuffed penguin, still cuddles obsessed, have us all wrapped around your little finger. I am so forever grateful for my pure ray of sunshine!

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