April 16, 2018

{She’s 7!...}

Kicking off this special girls birthday week with her friend party at the studio-:) She wanted a tumbling theme party and that is what she got! We did relay races, obstacle courses, tumbled, hula hooped, played parachute games, learned some cheers, had a dance party, opened presents, and had the yummiest chocolate cake ever! Daisy has the most darling friends! We got in the car and she said "Mom, that was the best day ever!" Love my almost seven year old so much! Fast forward to her actual birthday...Today this little beauty turns 7! Unfortunately, she's at home sick. She's so sad not to be able to go to school and celebrate with her class. Kids should not be allowed to be sick on their birthday! ...To my gorgeous Daisy~Your birth was one of the best moments of my life. You were well worth the wait my dear-:) I'll never forget when I held you for the first time...I was in awe at your tiny little self. You just stared at me with those beautiful eyes and I felt like I had known you forever. You have brought nothing but love, laughter, and sunshine into our lives. You're sweet, kind, sensitive, smart, talented, and the best big sister in the world! We love you BIG baby girl! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love~Your Momma

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