May 30, 2018

{Pink Hair Don't Care!!...}

Pink hair don't care!! Summer here we come!

May 28, 2018

{First Timer...}

First time Lagooner for Dash today! He loved the boat ride but wasn't so sure about the whale one!

{Helloooo Summer!...}

May 25, 2018


Such a bittersweet week it has been for my family-:( Our sweet loving friend Terri passed away at the age of 60 from cancer. I've known Terri my whole life and have such amazing memories with her. She will be truly missed by all those that knew her. Love you Terri!

{That’s a Wrap...20 years!}

What an AMAZING year of dance!! Tonight marks my ~20th~ year of teaching at L2D-:) 20 years of being fortunate enough to do something that I absolutely love is pretty dang awesome! I'm so lucky to be apart of the best studio ever and to work with such amazing dancers and staff. I love sharing this with my gorgeous little dancer...Daisy~I've said it before and I'll say it again by YOU my dear are one talented little girl. So proud of you! I'm excited to continue to watch you grow!~Momma

May 14, 2018

{Mother's Day 2018...}

Daisy and Dash~You two are my EVERYTHING!! I am so blessed to be your mama! I know I fall short many times but my love for you is constant. I've never prayed so hard for the two of you and watching you group up together makes me the happiest. You both are more than I could have ever hoped for and more. I'm forever grateful you both chose me! My beautiful babies what wonderful miracles you are! Love you both so much!~Momma

{First Grade ROCKS!!...}

{First Grade}Means...Making New Friends, Learning New Ideas, Reading New Books, Solving New Problems, Playing New Games, Reaching New Goals, Making New Mistakes, And Having FUN the Whole Way Through!! We adore this little first grader so much! She was darling in her program today-:) She has grown and learned so much this year! We are so PROUD of you Sis!

May 11, 2018


This handsome little boy was finally old enough to go to nursery today! He ran right in and left his teary-eyed momma at the door. Love this little man!

{18 Months?!?...}

{18}...Our Dash is officially 18 months?!? How in the world it has gone so quickly I don't know but I have loved and soaked up every minute! I thank my Heavenly Father every day for him-:) He's our miracle baby that has completed us. Dash~{YOU} are so smart! You are a parrot and talk so well. Our favorite words you say are "Hewoo"(Hello), "Stez"(Stairs), "baf" (bath), "see ya", "coz"(close), "hepa"(helper). You love to help me with the laundry and dishes. You eat everything in sight but always ask for bananas. Your favorite show is Puppy Dog Pals & Color Crew. You still need your cuddles everywhere you go. You are curious, funny, adventurous, extremely independent, and love to climb and be outside. You are not a fan of bath time or having sticky hands. You are handsome, sweet, and you give the best kisses. {ME}...Enjoying every minute with you all day by myself, wishing time would slow down, but also looking forward to the fun stages ahead, trying my best to keep up with you. I love you my sweet boy! You are my very own every day sunshine! Love~Momma

{Ballet Observation...}

We get the opportunity every year to watch the dancers in ballet class-:) Daisy impressed me so much! I was so proud of her and the growth she's made as a dancer this year! She is so graceful and beautiful when she dances! Love her so much!

May 5, 2018


{Motion Tour...}

Last competition of the season...MOTION TOUR!! Girlfriend and her team KILLED it yet again and took home two platinums for their jazz and hip hop routines and were the overall winners in their category! I absolutely LOVE to watch my girl dance! Daisy you SHINE on that stage and I'm so proud of your hard work and dedication this year. Love~Momma


My sweet Dash swinging at the new park-:) All I can think of is how big he looks! I wish time would slow down and he would stay little forever. At least his adorable scrunch face will stay with him always. Love my little big boy!

{Annual Girls Trip...}

I couldn't do life without them! We seriously have the BEST time together and I'm so forever grateful for each one of them-:) #untilweareoldandgray

{Dance Pictures 2018...}