May 11, 2018

{18 Months?!?...}

{18}...Our Dash is officially 18 months?!? How in the world it has gone so quickly I don't know but I have loved and soaked up every minute! I thank my Heavenly Father every day for him-:) He's our miracle baby that has completed us. Dash~{YOU} are so smart! You are a parrot and talk so well. Our favorite words you say are "Hewoo"(Hello), "Stez"(Stairs), "baf" (bath), "see ya", "coz"(close), "hepa"(helper). You love to help me with the laundry and dishes. You eat everything in sight but always ask for bananas. Your favorite show is Puppy Dog Pals & Color Crew. You still need your cuddles everywhere you go. You are curious, funny, adventurous, extremely independent, and love to climb and be outside. You are not a fan of bath time or having sticky hands. You are handsome, sweet, and you give the best kisses. {ME}...Enjoying every minute with you all day by myself, wishing time would slow down, but also looking forward to the fun stages ahead, trying my best to keep up with you. I love you my sweet boy! You are my very own every day sunshine! Love~Momma

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