November 26, 2018

{BIG Boy Bed!?!...}

I didn't think this day would come for awhile and to be honest I'm so sad about it-:) Dash~you are growing up so fast! We went to St. George for Thanksgiving and you crawled out of your pack n play for the first time. It was rough getting you to sleep every night. I didn't think there was any possible way you'd crawl out of your crib when we got home. It is really high and deep so I thought we were still good. I was wrong! You crawled right out of that too you turkey! Dad had to convert your bed so you would stay safe. You seem so little still to have a big boy bed but I guess you are ready! Stop growing ok?!? Love~Mama

{Thanksgiving 2018...}

We had a great time in St. George for Thanksgiving this year! We ate yummy food, shopped the sales, and had lots of lazy down time! Grandpa surprised Daisy with a big kid bike and she was so excited! Daisy also fell in love with the game of yahtzee and wanted to play in non-stop. Dash was a handful and is definitely showing us that he's TWO!! Nevertheless, it was a much needed relaxing weekend-:)

November 19, 2018

{Let’s PAWTY!!...}

{Dash is 2!!...}

I'm laying here this morning writing this with tears streaming down my face because I love this little boy so very much! To My Perfect Miracle Dash~Today you turn TWO!! You are the most incredible little dude and we are forever blessed that your are ours. You are loving, sweet, adventurous, fearless, sensitive, polite, and helpful. You talk so well and we are amazed daily at your growing vocabulary. Your sister is your favorite person and you ask about her multiple time during the day when she's at school. Nothing excites you more then going to pick her up each day. You love to snuggle every morning and watch your favorite shows. Your cheesy smile, and those beautiful blue squinty eyes can light up anybody's day. You are such a special boy with the sweetest spirit and I am so grateful that you are forever mine. Love you BIG baby boy! You were worth the wait!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Love~Mommy