December 21, 2019

{Nailed it!...}

Daisy rocked her piano recital! Frosty the Snowman never sounded so great! She’s getting so good!

{This Dude...}

I’m obsessed with this little boyfriend of mine!

{Home is where the Heart Is...}
My amazing, beautiful, caring, girlfriends have hearts of pure gold! They put together this gorgeous set up along with dinner, cookies and our favorite drinks for us to say goodbye to our house. It’s been a rough couple of weeks but we made it. I debate documenting so much of our struggles as of late but this is our life and it’s beautiful, messy, and all the things in between right now. Daisy and I cried hard and just hugged each other under the twinkling lights. We talked about our most favorite memories in our home, and that at the end of the day it’s just a house. Wherever my babies and I are, we will always be home. Together...we got this!🥰

{Feels Like Home...}

Daisy wanted me to post this...she’s the absolute cutest! Decorating our space to feel like home🤗I think it’s perfect❤️


I couldn’t love them more!

{Santa Pics...}

Getting excited for Christmas with my babies❤️🎅🏻❤️This is a fun memory because it’s a picture of the three of us...yes I dressed up as Santa😜We definitely won’t forget these pictures. It’s all about making memories with these little blessings of mine. I love them so much!❤️❤️#daisanddash #wegotthis

{Breakfast with Santa!...}

❤️🎅🏻Breakfast with Santa at Oakridge❤️🎅🏻Daisy asked for a karaoke machine and Dash asked for a present🎁🤣Love these kiddos!

{Cutest Duo...}

I came home last night to see this cute pair🥰Dash loves helping Grandpa get things done around the house! He thought his head lamp was pretty awesome🤣❤️

{Ellie is BACK!!...}

Ellie is back! Daisy was so worried that she wouldn’t know where to find us this year but she surprised us this morning with yummy donuts for breakfast :-) I’m excited to build new memories with these cute kiddos this year!❤️🎅🏻❤️#wegotthis

December 1, 2019


It was a cold Thanksgiving in St. George this year! So grateful to have had the kids and to build new memories with them. So grateful for the joy that they bring into my life every day-:)

November 16, 2019


“Mama! Take my pishure! I look so cute with my sucker!”

{3rd Birthday Dude!!...}

My darling Dash-My handsome boy...My Miracle...Tomorrow you turn 3 and I can’t believe it! 😢You came into my life at the time I needed you the most. Getting you here wasn’t easy but you were so worth the wait. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. You have no idea what an angel you are. You have quite honestly saved me the last several months. Your energy and enthusiasm for life have kept me going even when I felt like I couldn’t. You are the sweetest boy with so much love to give. You are so smart and I love our daily conversations. You are helpful, kind hearted, funny, stubborn at times, and so in tune with others feelings. You are my daily sidekick, my forever park date, my soda stealer, and my daily silver lining. You are so independent, but yet you are a mommas boy and can’t get enough of snuggle time, story time, tickles, constant kisses, and saying I love you. The second I laid my eyes on you I was changed for the better. The connection I had with you the minute you were born is something that is so special to me and that I will always cherish. I am so lucky to be your mother. I’m so excited to celebrate what an amazing little boy you are. Happy Birthday my little love!💙🎉 Love~Mommy

{Happy Birthday Dash!...}

Celebrated our favorite boy tonight with family💙🎉💙Can you tell I adore him?!? Still in denial that he’s 3😢Stop growing little boyfriend! Love you the most!😘 Daisy wrote him the sweetest note...I love their
 relationship so much!


🍂THANKFUL🍂”Regardless of our circumstances each of us has much for which to be GRATEFUL if we will but pause and contemplate our blessings”...Never could I have imagined that single mom life was in the cards for me. This year has been the most unexpected and hardest year of my life. However, I’m so grateful for these two babes of mine. We have grown so much and are dealing with really hard things, but we are doing it every single day...together. These two are my world and I’m so thankful to be their mom❤️I’m also so very thankful for family and friends that show up every day for me and my kids. We are so blessed and are surrounded by so much good!

{Halloween 2019...}

It was a great Halloween spent with my cute cheerleader and little golfer! The three of us went trick-or-treating and made pizza after. I loved watching them together. Cutest babies ever!

{Reflections 2019...}

My sweet girl entered the reflections contest at school. She entered a piano piece. I’m so proud of her determination and excitement for school!

October 20, 2019

{She’s Amazing...}

My sweet girl was the mystery “STAR” student in her class this past week. I got to watch her get up in front of her classmates and talk about the things she loves most. I couldn’t help but hold back tears as I watched her. She’s so beautiful on the outside but she is just as equally beautiful on the inside. Everybody loves Daisy. She’s incredible. I’ve been so impressed with the strength that she has shown over the last several months. It’s been hard on my heart to watch her navigate her feelings of all the change that has come our way. It doesn’t seem fair that she has to worry about some of the things that she now does and I struggle sometimes wishing I had all of the answers for the questions she asks. I realize that it’s ok that I don’t have all the answers for the future. I just have to show up every day and be the best mom I can be. Our favorite saying we say to each other is “We Got This”. Every day when I drop her off to school she kisses me on the cheek, hugs my neck tight, and says “We got this Momma!” Those words get me through my days. I hope I can always be the same example to that she is to me...I love her so much!