October 20, 2019

{She’s Amazing...}

My sweet girl was the mystery “STAR” student in her class this past week. I got to watch her get up in front of her classmates and talk about the things she loves most. I couldn’t help but hold back tears as I watched her. She’s so beautiful on the outside but she is just as equally beautiful on the inside. Everybody loves Daisy. She’s incredible. I’ve been so impressed with the strength that she has shown over the last several months. It’s been hard on my heart to watch her navigate her feelings of all the change that has come our way. It doesn’t seem fair that she has to worry about some of the things that she now does and I struggle sometimes wishing I had all of the answers for the questions she asks. I realize that it’s ok that I don’t have all the answers for the future. I just have to show up every day and be the best mom I can be. Our favorite saying we say to each other is “We Got This”. Every day when I drop her off to school she kisses me on the cheek, hugs my neck tight, and says “We got this Momma!” Those words get me through my days. I hope I can always be the same example to that she is to me...I love her so much!

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