August 31, 2019

{I can’t with them!...}

They are the sweetest!

{First Day!...}

She loved it! I’m pretty sure her little mini missed her her the most! He only asked when school was over about one thousand times. Her favorite part was making a new friend!

{Third Grade...}

Third grade tomorrow?!? How is she this old?!? Dash and I will miss our little bestie but know she is going to have the best year! Headed to dinner and the park to make some new goals for the year! You got this babe!

{Jr. Nixelle’s...}

Loved watching this cute girl do her thing with her cute friends!

{He LOVES Me...}

This little boy tells me he loves me about 20 times a day. I hope he always does!

{Little Chef’s...}

Cutest little chefs I ever did see!

August 4, 2019

{Summer Nights...}

Bike ride with my two babes! I definitely got my workout in for the day! Dash kept saying “Gwate job mom! Dis is so fun!"

{Tea Time...}

Tea Time at the Grand with this cute girl! We didn't like the tea but we sure enjoyed our time together-:)

{2nd Grade!...}

Daisy absolutely rocked 2nd grade! Her favorite subjects are science and art. She is an amazing reader and speller and loves to be creative. I can’t believe she’s going to be s third grader!

{This Girl...} Love this beautiful girl of mine! 

{Charity Show...}

L2D Charity Show!! CREATE HOPE! Supporting the Utah Parent Center. These kids are amazing! Love that our dancers get the opportunity to dance for such a great cause. So proud of my teams that participated today. They looked awesome! Shoutout to my favorite little dancer…I cried watching her perform today. I can’t believe she’s mine sometimes. So proud of you Daisy! You are such a beautful and confident dancer and I love to watch you perform. I love you so much!

{These Two...}

{Splashing Around...}

A fun day at the park and splashing around in the creek! I love to watch them play together!

{Cabin Life...}

We love the cabin! Best Greats ever!

{Lava Hot Springs...}

This week was emotional and just plain hard…It did my heart good to go on a little adventure and take my littles to Lava Hot Springs…I grew up going there every Summer as a kid and it was so fun to back and show my kids what I used to do when I was their age. It was a day where they loved each other and played all day being in the moment. I love them. They are my #1 reason that I find joy every day-:)

{Growing Up...}

{Farmington Festival Days...}

Farmington Festival Days! Such a fun tradition!


Fun at Liberty Park with our Dayton cousins! These kids have the best time together-:)

{Cool Kids...}

Such a fun night out with these amazing people! I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time! So blessed to have such amazing friends for so many years!

{4th of July Getaway...}

Fun getaway to St. George and Vegas for the 4th! Swimming, Hoover Dam, Room Service, Downtown St. George, and family time! Nothing better!

{DHS High School 20 Reunion!...}

Dear Old Davis High School 20 year reunion! I’m sooo glad I went! Such a fun night reconnecting and lots of laughs!

{Lagoon and Haircuts...}

{Father's Day...}

Happy Father’s Day to this guy! I love him more than words and am so blessed he’s mine!

{Healing my Heart...}