August 4, 2019

{Baby BOY...}

This baby boy is the absolute BEST! I can’t believe he’s 2.5 already! A few of my favorites of this age I don’t want to forget…Dash loves to take baths. He takes about two a day on average right now. He doesn’t like to be in there long…just enough to splash and make a giant mess. He tells me loves me multiple times of day and constantly grabs my face, squeezes my cheeks to ask if I’m happy. He is the most busy little guy and never stops. He asks to go the park every morning when he wakes up. His favorite thing to eat right now is chicken nuggets and ketchup. He loves to dip everything. He is so full of life and is so sweet. His little smile makes my day. School drop off’s are a favorite and he will hug and kiss his sister and tell her to be awesome and that he will kiss her after school. He can throw the best tantrums and can make quite the scene sometimes. He doesn’t like to be held when we are out he only wants to walk and hold my hand. He has no fear and most days he is bouncing around everythere. He gets the best giggles when it’s time for bed. He loves to sing songs and to be tickled and kissed from head to toe when I tuck him in. Every night he reminds me that I need to come back and check on him. It’s funny how life works sometimes. I thought I needed him a lot soonr but this is the time I needed him the very most. I love my Dash and am so very grateful to be his mom.

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