December 4, 2020

{Thanksgiving in St. George...}

Thanksgiving break in St. George. Love this tradition with my family. So grateful to have this cute guy with me this year! We sure missed our kiddos but can’t wait to bring them next year!


Seattle with my Love! Spent an awesome weekend visiting Kimo’s brother and sis-in-law. Can’t wait to go back!

{Dash's Party!...}

Dash’s party with family and friends-:) He requested a bey blade themed party adn he loved it! Everyone loves Dash that’s for sure! Can’t believe he’s four!

{Happy 4th Birthday Dash!...}

Happy 4th Birthday Dash! My darling Dash~There are not enough words to describe my love for you as your mom. When you were born there was an immediate bond and a peace I had never felt. Dash you are nothing short of light, life, and happiness. You are happy, fun, energetice, smart, competitive, helpful, sweet, kind, loving, stubborn, and silly. You love bey blades, cars, games, being outside, gas station treat runs, and Tastie’s donuts. You love to be snuggled and always want to be in on the fun. You’re a great little brother too. You have no idea how proud I am of you! Thanks for choosing me and coming at the perfect time. You have quite honestly healed my heart. You are my forever miracle! Please never stop calling me your sweetheart. Love~Mommy

{Thanksgiving Dinner...}

Since we didn’t have our kids this year we headed to Tucano’s to celebrate early! Love my cute crew!

{New House!...}

Keem and I are so excited to be building a new house together with our crazy cute crew!

{Hawaiian Beauties!...}

These cuties looking darling for their Hula performance!

{Dancing Diva...}

Love my beautiful dancer!!

October 31, 2020

{Halloween 2020..}

Happy Halloween!
Love~Daisy…my beautiful greek goddess & Dash my darling little pirate! Keem dressed up as an ape and took his kids! So fun!

{Gardner Village...}

It’s tradition! Gardner Village with my girl! This has been one of our favorites since she was 3 years old. She’s everything I could have eve wanted in a daughter and I feel so blessed she’s mine-:)

{Dash's Last Game...}

Last soccer game for my little man! I’ve loved watching him learn and grow the last couple of months. I’m just the proudest mom. He’s a special little boy and I love the bond he and I share-:)

{Halloween Fun...}

Halloween fun at Sister Friendly’s!

{Pack's Farm...}