October 3, 2021

{The Shimada's...}

A little over three years ago this handsome brother of mine told me he wanted to take me to lunch to talk to me…I’ll never forget how he looked at me with tear-filled eyes and nerves running high told me that he was in love with a man…a man I knew without a shadow of a doubt he loved with everything he had…He was worried about what I would think, what our family would think, and most of all how our children would feel. I looked straight at him and told him I felt the exact same same and nothing would change for me and all I wanted was for him to live freely and be happy. In that moment I was so proud of his honesty, bravery but at the same time my heart hurt to think of the trials that he had silently fought for years on his own. In that moment I commited to stand by him, fight along side with him, and to love him and Braden. Today they made their love official and were married in paradise! Spen and Braden I love you both! I wish nothing but joy and happiness and have loved sharing in your love story! Love WINS!!

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