December 14, 2022

{More November...}

Thanksgiving in St. George, Activity Days for Hazey, Laki getting fluffier, Moulin Rouge, piano recital, and meeting baby Hudson!


{Jazz Game!...}

We had the best time at the Jazz game as family! One of my dancers dad works for the jazz and gifted us tickets in the new loft area! The kids loved it! We had a yummy food and cheered our guts out! Such a fun night!



More birthday fun for Dash at the aquarium with mom, Court received the student of the year award at Weber, Cienna looked beautiful at her Jr. High dance, mom took us girls to the Carrie Underwood concert. So fun!


{Dash's Party!...}

Celebrating our favorite 6 year old with a Pokémon party! Keem and I let our kids choose their favorite food for each of their parties. This year Dash chose hamburgers. So grateful for such an amazing family and friends that spoiled our little guy. Can't believe he's 6?!?


{October Catch-Up!...}

Such a fun October! Thriller, lots of dance choreography for Daisy, Mom's birthday, more soccer, Sister Friendly's annual Halloween party, and Liv's baby shower!


{Gardner Village...}

Yearly Gardner Village tradition with my girls!


{Hogle Zoo!...}

Lucky boy to have the two of us all to himself! We hit up the zoo for Keem's work event and Dash loved it!


{Fall Break 2022!...}

We headed to Bear Lake for Fall Break with all of our friends and their kids. We had a blast! So fun that we have all been friends for so long and now our kids get to hang out too! So many fun memories made!


{Busy Fall...}

Parent Teacher conference celebrations, BYU games, Scary Hill, Donuts at school, and lots of soccer!


{Park City...}

Park City in early October with my guy! He's always finding a reason to celebrate us. SO happy he's mine. He makes life easy, fun, exciting, and I've never been more loved and taken care of. I love my Hawaiian!


{September Fun!...}


{Happy 6th Birthday Dash!!...}

Happiest Birthday to our favorite 6 year old! Dashy~How are you 6 already?!? It honestly feels like yesterday that my journey to get you here into this world began. I had never wanted something so much and knew in my heart you were waiting to come. Getting you here was a long, hard process but I'd do it all over again in a second. You were worth every bit of it. Dash we love you so very much and you bring so much energy, light, and excitement to our family. You are handsome, sweet, kind, adventurous, hilarious, confident, and so smart. You love Pokémon, sports, making bracelets, playing Uno, mauling your puppy, and finding golf balls with Keem. Your favorite color is blue and you could eat hamburgers for every meal. You love your sibling so much and love when we are all together. You are truly my miracle boy and I will never stop telling you that every night before you go to bed. You are one of my greatest blessings-:) You came at the perfect time and kept me going through some very hard things. You are one special little boy and you are loved by so many! Can't wait to keep on celebrating you! I'm so very lucky! Love~Mom


{Halloween 2022...}

Fun Halloween this year! We had Pablo Escobar, one girl studying for NAL haha, hippie, two aliens, a hot dog, and a tiger!

{Jr. Nixelle's...}


Cutest cousins at the Farmington Nixelle clinic!

{State Fair!...}

State Fair!! It's tradition! Love my people so much! Missing Court and our favorite boys!