December 25, 2009

In Just One Hour...Cruisin The Carribean!!!

We leave in one hour to catch our flight to go on a cruise! One week with the fam and hubby will be so fun! Pics to come soon...

December 24, 2009

TeMpLe SqUaRe!!!

Last night Adam took me to "The Other Place" for an awesome dinner and to Temple Square to see the lights! Our night would not have been complete without our favorite 7-11 hot chocolate:) Thanks babe for a fun date night, love ya:)

December 20, 2009

UgLy SwEaTeR PaRtY!!!

On Saturday Morgan & Randi hosted an ugly sweater party! We had so much fun! I love all of you guys! Thanks for the great night! Us girls in our lovely sweaters!
The boys...& cute Millie

The Workman's

The Cary's & cute baby Jane

The Bullard's & cute baby Millie

The Dayton's...check out my light up earrings!! Coolest white elephant gift ever!!

I got this sweater from Deb's closet! Gotta love the shoulder pads!....CLASSIC!!!

Hey babe...your supposed to look ugly:)

December 16, 2009

Strong Woman?...Hell Ya I Am!!!

So....I have been meaning to do this post for myself for awhile now. I read a post awhile ago from a friend that talked about how women in particular feel that they have to fit the "perfect" bill all the time. I for sure fall into this category A LOT!! I want to be the perfect wife, daughter, sister, friend, teacher and the list goes on and on. I sometimes get down on myself when I feel that I am just not cutting it. I was sitting in the tub last night reflecting on all I have been through particulary in the last five years and how it has all brought me to the point I am now in my life. I realized the strong woman that I have always been and are continuing to become! I would do it all over again to have the life I have now! I am so incredibly blessed with an unbelievable husband, family, and friends:) I have watched myself as well as many of my friends go through real heartache in the last few years and I am humbled by all of them and at the strength each of them have and have offered me in the times when I needed it most! So for all you awesome women out there...remember your amazing and strong!!

December 13, 2009

Finally...some house pics!!

We got the keys...

November 12, 2009

President's Club Baby!!!!

I just want my hubby to know how proud I am of him! Today he was announced into the President's club over a national sales call as being 5th in the country out of 507 other salesmen in his company! This is such a HUGE accomplishment and he completely deserves it!! He has worked so hard for this over the past couple of years! Thanks for being the the awesome man you are! Enjoy it! I love ya!

November 11, 2009

Just because he's the cutest nephew ever!!

This is a Halloween picture of our sweet little nephew Dayton!! We just love him:)

November 5, 2009

My Amazing Class!

I love my little first graders!! I have been so sick since Halloween with bronchitis and literally have zero voice. I have been coming to school to teach even though I can't talk and my kids have been super amazing! They are so caring and talk in a whisper just like me! Everyday they say "Mrs. Dayton, what can we do to help you today?" I truly have the BEST job ever!! I am so grateful for each and every one of my darling kids:) I'm a very LUCKY woman to have the opportunity to teach them!

November 1, 2009

The Hot Mama is 50!!!!

Mama Boyce turned 50 on Friday! We had a surprise party for her and she was so surprised! We had so much fun! My mom is truly my very best friend! I really do not know what I would do without her:) For those of you that know her, she is the most caring, beautiful, giving person ever! Happy 50th mom!!Holding up her "50" balloons...
Holding up her b-day cake...yes I know I'm freaking Betty Crocker!
Hmm...what to wish for...

Our cute table decor...
Me, Mom, Chelsea

Dad & Mom
D & Mom
Our Yummy Enchiladas... Cute Hubby and Grams
Gramps, Me, Gram
Gramps & Me in our party hats
Best Grandparents ever!!
The Party Planners...
Oh Ya, and this cute guy was there...
Dallas & Chelsea
My cute new shirt!
Hubby & Me

Oh gramps your so cute:)
Love these guys!
Love her!
Mom & her best friend Terri
Are you guys serious?!?
Attacked with silly string!
