October 16, 2009

And He Said...Just Because

So, I got home from work today to find these beautiful flowers from my amazing husband! I asked him "What are these for" he said "just because I love you". I really am so blessed to be married to the best guy ever:) Thanks babe for making my whole day great! Well, let's be honest...for making my whole life great! Love you:)


Brooke and Jonny said...

Ah lucky you! Those are beautiful! Adam needs to hang around with Jonny more often so that he will rub off onto him =) And that quote below is mavelous

The Funky Bunch said...

You are really one lucky girl!! Mike says he doesn't like to buy flowers because they just die! Nice!! Lol. Oh and you look way cute! Love ya!

The Shaws said...

What a sweet hubby! I am so happy for you, that house is adorable. I will bring Link in to the studio soon I promise. Ashley I miss you!!!

Jessica Reeves said...

What a nice hubby!! I'm so glad that you guys are doing well! I am excited for your new house; it looks so nice! I would love to do pictures for you! I charge $50 for the sitting fee which includes an hour or two of shooting and then $25 for the copyright release and edited images on a disk, or you can order prints from me. I use a professional lab that does a great job and has great pricing. Anyway, let me know if you want to schedule something. It would be so fun to see you guys!