December 27, 2010

{Avrey Lynn Boyce}

My brother Dallas & his wife Chelsea welcomed their new baby girl Avrey this morning!!! She is so freaking adorable and I'm so in love with her:) She was actually due on Christmas Day but I guess she just didn't want her birthday to be on Christmas:) She was born at 3:13 a.m. on December 27th. She weighed 7lbs 8oz and she was 20 inches long and looks just like her mommy. She is so beautiful and healthy and we feel so blessed to have her in our family!! Adam and I can't wait for cousin Daisy to join her in the next few months!! We love you guys so much and we know that you will be amazing parents!!!Avrey Lynn
Uncle Adam & Avrey
Grandma Boyce, Me, Chels, Avrey

{Christmas 2010}

This Christmas was such a great one! We did so many fun things and made a lot of great memories:) We started off with Christmas Eve at the Dayton's. We had a yummy turkey dinner and exchanged gifts. Bruce & Kandie of course went all out with gifts and a story with a great message that we can remember throughout the year:) It was fun to have Natalie fly in from Arizona also. Then on Christmas morning Adam and I had our last Christmas together until our new baby arrives:) We each spoiled each other and then headed to my parents. We got to talk to Spencer which was for sure the highlight of the day! He sounds so awesome and I can't wait until he comes home! Only three more months:) We had a yummy breakfast and then got spoiled again with great gifts. Avrey and Daisy got so so so spoiled by Grandma!!! And to think that they are not even here yet! I can't imagine how it will be when the are both actually here:) We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!!!
Dayton girls
Kris & I...due one week apart!
Hubbies Fam
Adam & Nat
Marc & Nat
Marc & his girlfriend Jaida
Cute Jace
Dayton & Mimi
Cute nephew Dayton in his Christmas sweater
Chelsea & Me

December 23, 2010


Here is the newest pic of our little Daisy girl!!! She is healthy and strong and we are sooo grateful to be blessed with her:) Isn't that the sweetest little face??? She's just adorable:)

December 17, 2010

Our Current Project...

{Daisy's Nursery}

Catchin Up!!!! I've been TERRIBLE at updating this blog!!! I've been super crazy busy with school and life I guess:) Here's a ton of randoms from the last little bit!! Can't believe I'm posting this...WOW!!! 25 weeks!!

Christmas Lunch @ Brick Oven with My Teachers:)
Crazy A and his very decorated Christmas cookie!
J & K
Christmas Bingo
My darling boys:)
K, S, & M
Hubby and I...Thanksgiving at the Dayton's
Me, Bruce, Kandi, Dayton, Marc, Jon & Kristin (Having a baby boy one week after me:)

My sister-in-law Chelsea's baby shower for Avrey!! This was in October and we are waiting for any day to meet our new niece:) She is due on Christmas Day...we can't wait!!!

November 10, 2010

We are half way there!!!!

20 weeks yay yay yay!!!! I can't believe we are already half way to meeting our new baby girl!!! It is so nice to feel great again and not so sick all the time! Adam has been so amazing throughout this pregancy. He is so incredibly patient with me and I love him so much for that:) He is going to make such a great daddy!! But, more importantly...we have decided on a name for our sweet baby girl....


November 3, 2010


We are soooo EXCITED to be having a GIRL!!!! This was completely unexpected!! We thought we were having a little boy for sure!! I think Adam is a bit in shock right now, but it is slowly sinking in haha!!! She is healthy and doing great:) We feel so blessed and we can't wait for her to be apart of our family!

October 24, 2010

17 Week Preggo Pic...

So...I am only posting this pic for my own journaling purposes...I really don't want to show the world my growing belly:) Good thing my blog is private and the only ones reading this are friends of mine!! I am now going on 18 weeks and am finally feeling much better!! The first 15 weeks were not to fun:( I was pretty sick almost every day!! It is so nice to feel somewhat normal again:) I felt the baby for the first time this week!!! He/she has for sure made their presence known almost every day at one point or another. I love when I feel my little baby, it's the best feeling in the world! We find out what we are having on the 3rd and we are so excited!!! We are pretty sure it is a boy but who knows!!! I feel so blessed to be able to bring this sweet baby into the world and am so excited to FINALLY be a mommy:)

October 17, 2010

Best Buddies...

I love these girls!!! We got together for dinner the other night and had so much fun!!! I love when we get together because we act like the biggest dorks:) We were hoping Annie could join us but hopefully at Christmas time!! I have the best friends ever and I don't know how I would have ever gotten through the tough times without them! They have always had my back and I think each one of them is so amazing!!! Love you girls:)

JaZZ GaMe...

Thursday night Adam and I went to the jazz game! My cousin Harmony and her hubby Pawel gave us the tickets because they couldn't use them. It was a bit funny because it was the University of Phoenix Reunion and we had to act as Pawel and Harmony! We got nametags and everything! Luckily we didn't have to talk to any of the people from the university haha!! Thanks guys for giving us a free date night:)

September 11, 2010

Exciting News...


August 23, 2010

Back To School...

Today was my first day back at school! I can't believe I'm starting my sixth year of teaching, crazy!! It was a great my kids...LOVE my job♥

August 1, 2010

AnNiVErsarRY FuN...

We had such a great time celebrating our anniversary!! We went to the Gateway and ate at yummy Biaggi's!! This was my first time eating there, and it was excellent:) We then got icecream and went to see the movie Inception...very good by the way!! Adam booked a room for us at the Anniversay Inn! I have never stayed there and I was way excited to go. We stayed in the Rio Grande Room. It was decorated like a cute!! Thanks again babe for the great night!Yummy...Yummy!!

He doesn't like this pic...but I think he's cute:)
Rose petals....I'm a sucker for ROMANCE!!

Loved the tub/shower!
Cute Adam
I made him take this pic in our robes...ha ha!
Our wedding cake...SO GOOD even a year later!
Eating cake...