December 17, 2010

Catchin Up!!!! I've been TERRIBLE at updating this blog!!! I've been super crazy busy with school and life I guess:) Here's a ton of randoms from the last little bit!! Can't believe I'm posting this...WOW!!! 25 weeks!!

Christmas Lunch @ Brick Oven with My Teachers:)
Crazy A and his very decorated Christmas cookie!
J & K
Christmas Bingo
My darling boys:)
K, S, & M
Hubby and I...Thanksgiving at the Dayton's
Me, Bruce, Kandi, Dayton, Marc, Jon & Kristin (Having a baby boy one week after me:)

My sister-in-law Chelsea's baby shower for Avrey!! This was in October and we are waiting for any day to meet our new niece:) She is due on Christmas Day...we can't wait!!!

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