December 27, 2010

{Christmas 2010}

This Christmas was such a great one! We did so many fun things and made a lot of great memories:) We started off with Christmas Eve at the Dayton's. We had a yummy turkey dinner and exchanged gifts. Bruce & Kandie of course went all out with gifts and a story with a great message that we can remember throughout the year:) It was fun to have Natalie fly in from Arizona also. Then on Christmas morning Adam and I had our last Christmas together until our new baby arrives:) We each spoiled each other and then headed to my parents. We got to talk to Spencer which was for sure the highlight of the day! He sounds so awesome and I can't wait until he comes home! Only three more months:) We had a yummy breakfast and then got spoiled again with great gifts. Avrey and Daisy got so so so spoiled by Grandma!!! And to think that they are not even here yet! I can't imagine how it will be when the are both actually here:) We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!!!
Dayton girls
Kris & I...due one week apart!
Hubbies Fam
Adam & Nat
Marc & Nat
Marc & his girlfriend Jaida
Cute Jace
Dayton & Mimi
Cute nephew Dayton in his Christmas sweater
Chelsea & Me

1 comment:

jodie rae said...

Yea I love when you post! You look darling! I'm loving your cute belly! PS I still need to call you back! Lunch asap before you have to teach and little Daisy comes! Love you!