March 21, 2010


On Saturday it was my 29th birthday! It really was the best birthday ever! I started off with a surprise birthday from my first grade class. Some awesome moms in my class arranged it and the kids were so excited! They gave me a little card box with a card that spelled out Happy Birthday Mrs. Dayton. Each letter stood for a descriptive word that they thought fit me, it was absolutely adorable:) We played games and ate cupcakes. My class sure knows how to make their teacher feel special:) I then took the day off Friday for some me and hubby time. We spent the day going out to lunch and to see the Bounty Hunter. On Saturday Adam surprised me with two dozen pink roses, a watch, and a gift card to the buckle. He then made reservations at P.F. Chang's, so yummy! Thanks for the amazing birthday babe! I'm so glad I'm yours:)

1 comment:

The Funky Bunch said...

Awww, look how cute!! What an awesome gift from your class!! And Adam totally spoiled you...just like you deserve! I can't believe next year is the big 30!!! Love ya tonz and am glad you had a great day!!