April 13, 2010

Easter & St. George...

We had a great Easter weekend & Spring Break! It was so nice to have a week off of school and just focus on family and doing a whole lot of nothing! We started off Easter morning with brunch with my family at Oakridge:) We then headed to Draper for dinner with the Dayton's. Bruce & Kandie had a easter egg hunt for Jace & Jax and we got to spend time with Natalie. I love my in-laws so much and am so blessed to be apart of their amazing family:) The following week Adam & I headed down to St. George for the Luv 2 Dance competition/mini vacation:) We laid by the pool and went to Bear Paw for breakfast on Friday and I had my competition on Saturday. We were also able to squeeze some Fiesta Fun in of course:) All my teams did so great and all took first place! Holla:) I forgot to take pics but they were so dang cute & I'm so proud of them! Sorry the pics are out of order:(
The Dayton Clan
Some random Chinese man in front of a St. George house....ha ha
Another random awesome dino statue in front of another house...WTF!!
I'm the skee ball queen!
He rocks at Hot Shot!
Awe! We're cute:)
Batting cages...
At the pool...It was fantastic:) We had it all to ourselves!

My hot hubby:)
Our cute nephew Dayton:) He's getting so big!
Celebrating Jon and my birthdays:)
Jon & I
Easter 2010 at Oakridge:)


Anonymous said...

UMMM Excuse me you totally forgot to mention your FUN late night movie in your fun activities of spring break! Whatever...we're in a fight write me a note ;) BAHAHAH! Loved all your cute pics....and just in case you were wondering Channing = HOTNESS!!!! XOXO!

The Funky Bunch said...

You look gorgeous as usual...love the cleavage shot by the pool!!! LOL!!! Glad you had a great weekend and fun in sunny St. George!! Love your guts!!