April 25, 2010

ShOwS wE cAnT lIvE wItHoUt!!!

Ok...so Adam and I are SERIOUSLY addicted to reality t.v. Really don't know what we would do without it!!! Here are some of our faves....Tough Love Couples...Steve and his mom help troubled couples with their relationships. It's hilarious:) Where do they find these people??

Tori & Dean...Love her...he's a nerd...their kids have mullets, but I think they are hilarious together!

Who doesn't love this show??

Law & order SVU...So intriguing and always has great stories...

Keeping up with the Kardashians...Love Love Love this show!!

Great stories about survival....I'm obsessed!!

Great one too...

Love this season of American Idol!! I want Crystal or Lee to win!

My all time favorite...Crazy survival stories...A must see:)

I'm addicted to this show...just cause

Dancing with the Stars...I love all the amazing dancers and laughing my butt off at Kate Gosselin...to bad she's gone:(

Billy the Exterminator...This is the best...Billy and his brother Rick are the hottest animal exterminators on the planet ha ha!
I forgot about Private Practice too!!

April 17, 2010

2010 Apple For The Teacher awards!!!

This week I found out that I was nominated for the 2010 Apple For The Teacher Award!! More than 1,200 Utah teachers were nominated! The nominees from my school were Mrs. Thaxton 2/3 grade, Myself 1st grade, and Stacey Peterson 5th grade:) Out of all the nominees there were eight chosen and Stacey from our school was one of the winners! So exciting! I feel honored that I was nominated and I absolutely LOVE my job!! I love teaching so much and feel so blessed to be able to play an important part in each of my student's lives:) Below is an article that one of Stacey's students wrote about her...it's a tear jerker...
Nominated by Alec Unsicker
I have cancer and can't go to school. Miss Peterson has arranged for me to skype my class online. She has also arranged for two other teachers to skype with me so I can have the same experiences as my classmates. She comes over to my house after school to help me with my math. She arranged for the principal, Mr. Baird to let me shave his head and some others from my class so I would not be the only one bald. She makes me smile and is so kind and truly cares about me and how I am feeling. She includes me in everything she can. At Christmas time they were making some candy trains and she brought me some sugar free candy so I could make one too. She brings me art projects and helps me do them. She brings me everything I need so I can do science experiments. She has come to the hospital to visit me and has attended classes on how to help those with cancer. She is the best teacher. She makes learning interesting and fun.

April 13, 2010

Easter & St. George...

We had a great Easter weekend & Spring Break! It was so nice to have a week off of school and just focus on family and doing a whole lot of nothing! We started off Easter morning with brunch with my family at Oakridge:) We then headed to Draper for dinner with the Dayton's. Bruce & Kandie had a easter egg hunt for Jace & Jax and we got to spend time with Natalie. I love my in-laws so much and am so blessed to be apart of their amazing family:) The following week Adam & I headed down to St. George for the Luv 2 Dance competition/mini vacation:) We laid by the pool and went to Bear Paw for breakfast on Friday and I had my competition on Saturday. We were also able to squeeze some Fiesta Fun in of course:) All my teams did so great and all took first place! Holla:) I forgot to take pics but they were so dang cute & I'm so proud of them! Sorry the pics are out of order:(
The Dayton Clan
Some random Chinese man in front of a St. George house....ha ha
Another random awesome dino statue in front of another house...WTF!!
I'm the skee ball queen!
He rocks at Hot Shot!
Awe! We're cute:)
Batting cages...
At the pool...It was fantastic:) We had it all to ourselves!

My hot hubby:)
Our cute nephew Dayton:) He's getting so big!
Celebrating Jon and my birthdays:)
Jon & I
Easter 2010 at Oakridge:)