November 10, 2010

We are half way there!!!!

20 weeks yay yay yay!!!! I can't believe we are already half way to meeting our new baby girl!!! It is so nice to feel great again and not so sick all the time! Adam has been so amazing throughout this pregancy. He is so incredibly patient with me and I love him so much for that:) He is going to make such a great daddy!! But, more importantly...we have decided on a name for our sweet baby girl....



The Funky Bunch said...

What an adorable name! I can't wait to meet the cutie. She's going to be the most stylish baby girl around! Glad you're feeling better...that's so nice! Love ya!

Bullard Family said...

I remember you telling me your name in high school!!! She is one luck girl to have you and Adam! I am so glad things are going so well. Love you...and little Daisy yeah!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my heck...if I am having a girl that is what I am going to name my little girl :) So wierd that you copied me....hahahaha! I'm so funny! Can't wait to meet cute little daisy!