November 21, 2011

{Our Little Lady...}

I'm seriously in LOVE with Daisy's six month pics!!  I especially heart all the pics with my Grandma's (Daisy's Great-Grandma's) pearls!!  I used to play with these same pearls when I was little:)  They smell just like my Grandma and I love that Dais is wearing a piece of her in these pictures. Enjoy her beyond cuteness!!


Jessica Reeves said...

Oh my gosh, these are SO SO cute!! I love them! She is adorable!

Natalie Murray said...

Ashley!!!! How in the world are you doing? Your little Daisy is so stinking cute! Congrats on her! Motherhood just gets better & better! I have 4 now can you believe it????

Ashley Head said...

You weren't kidding when you said these pics were cute. Huge understatement! One of these days let's get Stock and Dais together for a pic with their owl hats.

Bullard Family said...

6 months!!!!! Crazy. Seriously BEAUTIFUL baby! I'm coming out in a week...need to get together!

Brooke and Jonny said...

Oh. My. Word! She is a freaking doll!!!!!!! I love these pictures Ash so so cute

Kelli K said...

OH my goodness!! She is beautiful!! Hope all is going well for you!!