September 6, 2015

{Headstand Queen...}

And...she did it!! She was so proud of herself for finally getting her headstand all by herself-:)

{Museum Fun!!...}

Fun with Uncle Spen at Discovery Gateway! Daisy loves any kind of children's museum-:)

{Think Pink...}

Daisy has been loving modeling for Think Pink Bows! What a fun experience it has been!


Today we celebrate 6 years of marriage-:) He is the best decision I've ever made. Spending my life with him makes me so happy-:) I feel so blessed to be with him forever-:) I also kinda love that little human he gave me too!

{Target Dog...}

"Mommy, I love the Target dog way more than the Old Navy dog. This dog is more my style cuz it's wearing a diamond necklace!"

{He's Home Again!!...}

Uncle Spen is home!! SO proud of all he's accomplished! Love this brother of mine!

{Serious Gamer...}

This girl isn't messing around when it comes to her air hockey game. As we were getting ready to play she says "Mom, I hope you aren't getting cold feet!"

{Zoo Fun...}

Loved this rainy day at the zoo with my little babe!

{Back to School!!...}

Back to school for both of us Dayton girls this week! Preschool and third grade here we come!

{Frosted Productions...}


The last couple of weeks have been so crazy busy!! I'm sure you feel when I say I really need to clone myself most days. It's so hard sometimes trying to give 100% to our jobs, homes, spouses, kids, callings, and whatever else life throws at us! I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have each week to attend church and to be uplifted ad reminded of what is truly important and how blessed I am in my life. We all need to be kinder to others, be less judgemental, and to realize that we are ALL are trying to do the best we can! My goal is to not be so hard on myself but to focus on the positive! Happy Sunday!!

[Amazing Day...}


{Daddy's Love...}

I Loved her first, I Held her first, and a place in my heart will ALWAYS be hers...

{Dating Boys...}

"Mommy...Daddy told me I couldn't date boys until I was a 30 year old person! That's not going to work! Boys tell me I'm just so cute almost every day of my life!"

{I fink I saw you in heaven...}

Today after church Daisy asked if Jesus lets kids choose their mommies. I told her that I wasn't exactly sure. She then said "Mommy i fink he does because I saw you in heaven and told him I wanted you to be mine." My heart just about burst...I love her!


{Lagoon with my main little chick!...}

{These Faces...}

I missed these faces so much while I was gone in Vegas! There is just something about a daddy and his little girl...I'm not sure what I'm more in love with...the clothes that are too small, her crazy hair, that handsome man spending quality time with her or the smiles and happiness in this picture that assure me that these two are happy. I'm the absolute luckiest!


Such a fun weekend in Vegas with these girls! Tremaine was so fun and it was nice to get out dancing again! Always lots of late night laughs and talks with these ladies!

{St. George...}

Fun weekend away with Grandma to St. George!

{Think Pink Flower Girls...}

Photoshoot for Think Pink Boutique! She looks like a little bride! Such a fun night meeting some cute girlies!