September 6, 2015


My sweet girl got her first stitches after a nasty fall at the park-:( She was holding a couple of her stuffed animals and tried climbing a steep step at the same time. She slipped and sliced her head right by her right eyebrow! It was awful! There was blood everywhere! I've never been that scared in my whole life. I called Adam and I threw her in the car and ran up to Instacare. All Daisy could worry about was the the blood all over my shirt and her pink blank. She just kept saying how sorry she was that she got hurt. It broke my heart-:( The doctor and nurse were so good with her and kept her super calm. Adam and I were so upset over seeing her like this. As the doctor gave her stitches he kept her talking and she was so brave! I've never been more proud of our sweet girl! Stacee and Karlee came over later and brought Dais some gifts to help her feel better. We are so lucky to have such great friends!

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