September 6, 2015

{Vegas Baby!!...}

Daisy and I decided to still join on Adam on his business trip to Vegas even though she got stitches the day before we left. We had lots of fun but luck was not in our favor! On the way down I lost my wedding ring. Daisy also fell into the deep end of the pool, and she somehow managed to sniff a crayon up her nose! It was just bad...After being so distraught over my ring, Adam figured that it had fallen out of the car at a gas station. I had let Daisy play with it (dumb I know) and we figured it fell out when we stopped. Adam finally found the gas station and called but they hadn't seen it. We left our name and number and told the gas station we would give a reward to whom ever found it. Later that night we got a call from a couple that had in fact found my ring in the parking lot. They were from Salt Lake which was the crazy part. We were able to pick it up on our way home! They were so nice! I am so grateful for honest people!

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