November 1, 2009

The Hot Mama is 50!!!!

Mama Boyce turned 50 on Friday! We had a surprise party for her and she was so surprised! We had so much fun! My mom is truly my very best friend! I really do not know what I would do without her:) For those of you that know her, she is the most caring, beautiful, giving person ever! Happy 50th mom!!Holding up her "50" balloons...
Holding up her b-day cake...yes I know I'm freaking Betty Crocker!
Hmm...what to wish for...

Our cute table decor...
Me, Mom, Chelsea

Dad & Mom
D & Mom
Our Yummy Enchiladas... Cute Hubby and Grams
Gramps, Me, Gram
Gramps & Me in our party hats
Best Grandparents ever!!
The Party Planners...
Oh Ya, and this cute guy was there...
Dallas & Chelsea
My cute new shirt!
Hubby & Me

Oh gramps your so cute:)
Love these guys!
Love her!
Mom & her best friend Terri
Are you guys serious?!?
Attacked with silly string!



Brooke said...

Happy Birthday Debbie! I love that woman!

Jesse said...

You have such a cute, happy family! You look so great!

The Funky Bunch said...

Oh I love your mom...she really is the best! What a cutie! Looks like you guys had a great time! Love all the pics!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Debbie! I love her too! Such a CUTE CUTE mom! What a hot mama! So let's chat cuz I am dying to come see your cute house that is literally like 1 second from me! I'm SOOOOO EXCITED! Love you!