March 14, 2010

My Grandma...

So this past week on the 11th was my grandma's 74th birthday! She for sure is one HOT GRANDMA!! Her and I have had a very close relationship ever since I was a little girl. I don't know if it is because I was the first granddaughter or the fact that we have so much in common. We talk on the phone almost daily and I look up to her for so many reasons. One of my favorite things about my grandma is how freaking stylish she is! She always has lots of jewelry on and always looks fab!! I remember as a kid looking through all her sequin dresses and putting all her beautiful jewelry on! She would never get upset with me, instead together we would try on her shoes and clothes and all her "glitters" as I used to call them. I also LOVE her smell! She wears Red Door perfume and that smell always reminds me of her. I also loves how she loves, adores, and respects my grandpa. They hardly do anything without each other and they have such a strong and happy marriage. She has taught me so much in life and I feel so honored to call her my grandma!! I love you and happy birthday!


The Funky Bunch said...

Oh Grandma....I love her too! She's the BEST! I can't believe she's 74!!! She really IS one hot grandma!! I hope she had a great birthday!

Whitney said...

That is so sweet! My Gram and I were really close, too! I credit mostly her for me becoming who I am! She was wonderful and you are very lucky you still have her around! Thanks for this post, I love the feeling I get when I think about my Gram!

Anonymous said...

This post made me sweet grandma is passing quickly! I don't know think she'll make it that much longer, so the past couple of days have been kinda sad! Anywhooo....your grandma is so stinking cute! Love her! I still remember her cute sequin hats up at the cabin last year...seriously what a babe! Love you!