December 27, 2010

{Avrey Lynn Boyce}

My brother Dallas & his wife Chelsea welcomed their new baby girl Avrey this morning!!! She is so freaking adorable and I'm so in love with her:) She was actually due on Christmas Day but I guess she just didn't want her birthday to be on Christmas:) She was born at 3:13 a.m. on December 27th. She weighed 7lbs 8oz and she was 20 inches long and looks just like her mommy. She is so beautiful and healthy and we feel so blessed to have her in our family!! Adam and I can't wait for cousin Daisy to join her in the next few months!! We love you guys so much and we know that you will be amazing parents!!!Avrey Lynn
Uncle Adam & Avrey
Grandma Boyce, Me, Chels, Avrey

1 comment:

Bullard Family said...

SO ADORABLE! Can't believe Dallas is a dad! Can't wait to meet her cousin!